Contact Me!

I have a list of posts in my queue, but if you have a request for a writing post or want to showcase a ‘fandom filler,’ send me an email here:

My fandoms include (but are not limited to):

  • The Legend of Zelda (my first and favorite!)

  • Harry Potter

  • Marvel Cinematic Universe

  • Star Wars

  • Star Trek (believe it or not, I like both!)

  • Jurassic Park (and World!)

  • Studio Ghibli

  • A Song of Ice and Fire

  • The Dresden Files

I don’t mind showcasing other fandoms either! Send me the info and your name or pseudonym, unless you wish to remain fully anonymous.

If you have any interest in checking out my fanfictions, you can find my profile on AO3 here:

I look forward to hearing from you!